A couple months ago my mom brought me her old TV armoire. After having it sit in the garage for what seemed like forever, I had decided that I would put it on Craigslist and get rid of it. Well, then I started getting out clothes for the baby to prepare and I quickly realized that I didn't have enough space for everything. Ugh... now what to do??? So...
I decided I needed to redo the TV armoire to create a closet for my new lil.
Here is a before picture.
It did come with both drawers. I must have taken one out before I took the picture. As you can see the back of the armoire was completely shot. Also there were some scratches on it. After deciding what exactly I was going to do with it, I started by sanding it with an electric sander and then I applied a primer. I also took off the old back and added a new back to I didn't have any holes in it. My husband went ahead and added the bar for the clothes, however it wasn't exactly where I wanted it so I took it back off.
Once the primer was set, I applied the color I chose to paint it. In the store the color was a pretty blue. It seemed a lot darker then what it turned out. I still like the color it is just brighter than what I had planned on. Then I bought new handles to add to it. The handles ended up being tricky. I had to go to the store 3 different times. The holes in the drawers were a strange size to it took awhile to find something that would work.
Here is the end result!
Here is the new inside. I added wallpaper to the inside of it to dress it up more. I also re-added the bar for the clothes where I wanted it ;) and then I added the shelf to it.
I think it turned out really well. It will be perfect for my lil boy coming soon. I finally got it inside where I wanted it and was able to add items in it.
Here is another before and after shot of the armoire.
~Thanks for stopping by!!~