Classroom Reveal 2014
This year I have finally graduated from Kindergarten and moved to First Grade! I am ready for new adventures! Since I switched grade levels, my classroom changed too. I had been in the same spot since my school opened in 2005. Room 102. With moving on up (da da da da, to the east side), I moved down the hallway and on the opposite side. Room 109. I love looking out the window and seeing the sun. Before my classroom faced our breezeway.
Are you ready to see my room? I kept my zebra theme but added something to it to change it up a little bit.
Since I switched classrooms, I realized just how much junk I had. I ended up throwing so much away!
Good bye junk!!!
Here are some before pictures!
Yep, that is correct! I have a lot of junk. Too bad I didn't take a picture of when I first moved in there and I had a great big mountain of my things.
Now I am going to show you around my room. First up is my CAFE board and my Word Wall! As you can tell, my theme is black and white/zebra print/mustaches.
Next is my Calendar Math, Jobs, and Rules.
Easel for whole group lessons. (I <3 my easel) On top of the easel are my birthday straws. Each child will get one on their birthday. Summer birthday's will get one on their half birthday.
Mustache Fun Birthday Pencil Topper Kit
Mustache Fun Birthday Pencil Topper Kit
Corner by Calendar. Job Chart. Daily Five Chart. Birthday's. (Check out my post about my birthday display here)
Beside the Calendar, I have my Spelling Words and Sight Words display. I used my great Silhouette Portrait to make the Spelling Words and the Sight Words sign. They will stay on my board all year and I will write the words under them.
On the other side of my dry erase board I have my Objectives and my Daily 5 browsing boxes.

Guided Reading spot. All ready for Open House. I ran out of shelves so I created one. Check out the post here. I love how it turned out.
Beside my Guided Reading table are my math manipulatives and then more browsing boxes. Oh, and my behavior chart.
This is my Writing table.

Beside my Writing table, I have a sink. Above the sink I am going to put the PowerPix. I labeled the area with a mustache. Of course!!

My Fan"tache"tic Improvers Wall. The students will earn their sticker and place on the small mustache paper. Once they earn so many stickers, the will clip their clothespin on the Improvers Wall. Then the students will earn more stickers and again once they reach the correct number, they will move their clothespin up.
View from Middle Room looking out.

View from Front Door.
The way the student desks are for Open House. Me Bag- students bring in items the first day of school to tell about themselves. Information on what to do at Open House. (Student Information Card, About My Class, etc.) Baggies with 1st Grade Pencil and mustache tattoo.