My summer vacay is going great!! I love getting time to spend with my boys and doing whatever I want all day long.

A couple years ago I got the buzz to redo a piece of furniture in my house. I love the distressed look so I decided to take my buffet table and distress it. Well, it was a lot of work, but I LOVE how it turned out. Check out the post here. When I heard about others using Chalk Paint to distress furniture, I found some furniture that I wanted to change and got started creating.
Chalk paint allows you to just paint your item instead of priming and sanding. Fewer steps involved with Chalk Paint so furniture is finished faster. Win! Win!
Instead of buying the expensive Chalk Paint, I decided to make my own. I used Plaster of Paris. (I got mine at Micheal's and used a 40% off coupon). I mixed about 2 1/2 tablespoons of Plaster of Paris with some water. Once the clumps were out I mixed that concoction with one cup of latex paint. Then I applied it with a brush. Easy peasy lemon squeezey. I applied two coats of paint before I distressed it. After I distressed the furniture I either used wax or poly on the top.
Here are some pictures of the furniture I did. I am super excited to show you. The bad news is that the pictures don't do the furniture justice. The furniture looks tons better in person.
I love how the tables turned out! Again, I wish the pictures captured how great they look, but you do get an idea of how they look. The Chalk Paint made fewer steps in creating my look for my furniture.
Thanks for stopping by!
Have a Wolfelicious day!
Also, for the rest of the month of June I am offering a FREE half Jamberry nail wrap for every purchase!!
Jamberry Independent Consultant