On Thursday, my class got to go on a field trip! Wahoo!!! Field trips are always so much fun!! We went to the Shell Factory. We got to see lots of animals and even hold and touch them. Check out my kiddos holding a tarantula.
I know, they are so brave!
I know, they are so brave!
I love seeing their faces!
Then we got to pet and learn about a skunk! I was surprised at how soft a skunk is. She told us they are hypo-allergic so they would be great for a pet. I think I will pass on having a skunk as a pet, but it was very interesting information!
The Shell Factory has lots of animals to look. One section of the place has dinosaurs with noises. So fun!!
I decided to take a photo opt too!
This week my kiddos had to learn about Spring. Seasons are always difficult in Florida because it is always warm. The students usually think the seasons mean Summer and Snow Bird Season. (Snow Birds are the people that come down to Florida to leave during the winter). My intern did a fabulous lesson on Spring!
Here she is reading a Season book to the class. Then they watched a Spring video on Youtube!
Next, they made a flower and labeled the parts.
This glue made my room smell like oranges!
The glue is called Recycled School Glue! I was asked to check it out, so I gave it to some of my kiddos and had them use it. My students love the smell!
What I liked about the glue is that it is the ONLY glue out there that is made from 100% of recycled material! Isn't that great!! The glue is made from Styrofoam that comes from tv boxes and other stuff! It sticks to paper really well! The thing I didn't like about the glue was that it kept getting stuck inside the container so my kiddos couldn't squeeze it out. I emailed the company and told them my students' problem. They said they were going to fix it. The customer service of the company is great!! If you get a chance, try the glue for yourself! It will make your room smell fruity!
Are you interested in having a little more money? Ask my about being a consultant for Jamberry!! I would LOVE to have you on my team!! I signed up about a month and a half ago. I am amazed at the money I am getting! Plus, I have beautiful nails!! If you would like more information, please email me- kreitzer29@hotmail.com
Check out my Facebook fanpage!
Are you interested in having a little more money? Ask my about being a consultant for Jamberry!! I would LOVE to have you on my team!! I signed up about a month and a half ago. I am amazed at the money I am getting! Plus, I have beautiful nails!! If you would like more information, please email me- kreitzer29@hotmail.com
Check out my Facebook fanpage!
Have a Wolfelicious week!