This week I have been really busy. I have been thinking about my classroom and what I could do to make it more Wolfelicious! So, I am joining the Monday Made It to share with you what I have been working on.
The first think I would like to share my redone table.
Unfortunately, I forgot to take a before picture. The table I started with was green. Here is a picture of the table after I painted it this lovely blue color.
After I painted it I got this idea of Modge Podge. I knew I had to use it to make this table Wolfelicious! I bought scrapbook paper at Michael's and Modge Podged it on the table. Here is how it turned out.
I can't believe how different it looks. It is now Wolfelicious.
Next I made Birthday Balloons for my kiddos.
Thanks Brooke Hilderbrand for this awesome Freebie!!
(Click HERE to read and see the balloons from last year.)
I have been working on new dismissal signs for my classroom. I knew I wanted to make them into stars and I wanted them to be glittery. This is what I came up with.
I am waiting until I find out how my kiddos are going home to hang them up.
You can check them out at TPT.
I loved my first pocket chart so much that I decided to redo another one. You can check out my first one here. Here is the before picture.
And Ta- Daaaaaa. Here is the after.
I think this one turned out to be Wolfelicious too! :)
Then I bought some baskets at Target at the end of last year. I bought a black, white, and a teal colored basket. Since I had left over spray paint I thought I would paint the teal basket blue. Then I had to jazz it up to make them Wolfelicious baskets.
The last think I worked on was updating some of my pictures on the picture wall. I didn't switch all of them, just some to add the baby.
I can't believe how old my oldest looks in the blue tunnel picture.
I can't believe how old my oldest looks in the blue tunnel picture.
Thanks for reading today!! I hope you got a new idea to make your room a Wolfelicious room!