Have you made your resolution yet? I have been thinking about mine and then I found this great link up. I thought it would be perfect for me to decide what my resolution is going to be and see what others are wanting to do too.

To say I love organizing would be a false statement, but I do love being organized. Sometimes just getting there is the problem. This is what I am going to (try) to do this year to help me stay organized.
#1- Use my Erin Condren Life Planner or my iPhone Calendar. I have been pretty good with my iPhone Calendar but I could be better. Sometimes I add events to one and not the other. I need to make sure I am using one consistently. I think I will use the Life Planner more often to keep track of my new baby's feedings.
#2- Finish straightening up my house and getting it prepared for the baby.
#3- Finish my lesson plans for school for the rest of the year. Yep, you did just read for the rest of the year. I am due at the end of Feb. so I want to make sure my sub has plans to do so I know what they have done when I go back in May sometime. I will have to take a picture of this once I finish it. I started it before break and I have to say I am really liking having my plans done in advance. Now, yes, there will always be changes to them but to have most of the items needed each week organized and ready makes it so much easier.
#4- My fourth resolution will be to work on my body. I am having a baby at the end of Feb. and then at the end of July I am in a wedding. What motivation to get in shape and try to look my best.
Well, I think that is enough resolutions for me. What are your resolutions?