
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Classroom Makeover- Whole Room

Today I am sharing my classroom with you.  I finally have it all together (yay!). 
Here is a before picture.
Photo of before classroom
All cleaned up, but looks empty and boring.  Definitely not my style.  Nope, not at all.

The first view you will see is walking through the front door looking straight ahead.

photo of front door view of Wolfelicious

I am at the front door again but this time I am looking to the left. 

Photo of left view of Wolfelicious

As you can tell by the picture above I am ready for Open House.  That is why there is so much stuff on the tables. 

The next picture is me at the front door still looking way left. 
Photo of way left of Wolfelicious

It is so strange because I feel the room looks so great but by the pictures above it doesn't do it justice.  I will be posting close ups in the next few days so you can see different parts of the room better. 


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  1. Your room looks great! Have a wonderful school year.

  2. I posted my classroom pictures too!
    Great minds think alike~
    I love the tables and that wall color~
    Sharing Kindergarten

  3. I am so jealous...I haven't even started yet. They haven't even cleaned our rooms yet. Crazy, hey? I am sure I will be pulling some 12 hours days before school starts to get it ready. I think your room looks great! Amber ~ Kindergarten Rocks Blog

  4. Your room loks great and the guitars are ROCKIN!

    The Resourceful Apple

  5. Looks great!

  6. Your room looks awesome. I teach in Florida too! Do you know of any Florida blogger meet ups?

    Your Newest Follower,

    Lindsey Roseboom
    Fantastic First Grade Friends

  7. Your room looks absolutely inviting and bright! Amy
    Where Seconds Count

  8. did you paint those walls green...or did it come that way?
    I wish I could paint my walls..but beige it is..

  9. Looks great! I am not even close to being finished and I've spent weeks trying to get my room together!


  10. I think it looks great! Your room is the same color as Eberhart Explorers! Love the lime green with black and white! Good luck with your open house (we have ours before school starts, too!)


  11. I love your green walls! It really makes everything pop. Mine are the nasty beige color, yuck! Your chair pockets are awesome too!! It looks so inviting!!
    Jen's Kinder Kids

  12. I love your green walls! They really make everything pop. Mine are the nasty beige, bleh. Your chair pockets are awesome! Everything looks so inviting!!
    Jen's Kinder Kids

  13. I really like those pretty green walls, too. Like Jen above, mine are also yucky beige ... no fun at all. Best of luck with your startup!

    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  14. I love your room! Did you paint your walls that green or did the school? That's awesome either way but we're not allowed to paint. I love your chair pockets did you make them? Good luck with Open House! You look super prepared so I'm sure it will go flawlessly! I just started doing my room you should check it out when you get a chance!

    Rambling About Reading

  15. Your room looks great! I'm jealous that you are all ready for Open House! By the way, you should consider linking up with Brigid's Daily Lesson Log, she's having a Classroom Tour Linky Party!

    Lacy's Letters

  16. You did a fantastic job April! I hope you have a great school year & I look forward to hearing all about it as you go along! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  17. Looks great. I enjoy looking at your pictures.

  18. It looks fantastic! I can't wait to get into my room to set it up!

    A Turn to Learn

  19. Hi there! Your room looks great and very big! Thanks for linking up on my "Classroom Tours" linky party!!!

    Brigid's Daily Lesson Log

  20. Thanks for sharing pictures of your room. You definitely look ready to go. Found your through the Classroom Tour linky and I am a new follower. Check out my blog sometime when you get a chance.

