
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Dr. Seuss Ideas

Dr. Seuss Ideas
Here are some of the ideas I do with my class when we talk about Dr. Seuss and celebrate his birthday.  Each activity goes along with a story. 

We make this adorable Cat in the Hat after reading The Cat in the Hat.

Cat in the Hat template.

Then we make our own hat for The Cat in the Hat.
 Cat in the Hat template.

Another story we read is Yurtle the Turtle.  After we read the story we make our own turtle.
 Turtle template.

 Another story we read is Green Eggs and Ham.  After we have our own green eggs and ham we make this project.  The student have to write on the egg how they like their green eggs and ham.
 Egg template.

I hope one of these ideas you will use with your class.  Please let me know how your class liked completing them.  I will be adding more Dr. Seuss activities later.

Sweet Story
At my school, we have a lot of people get a tour of our school so they can check it out to see if they want to sign up.  Yesterday the principal brought a tour into my classroom.  When this happens I have a student be the greeter.  The greeter welcomes them to the classroom and offers the tour a piece of candy.  The tours think the greeter is so precious.  Anyways, yesterday when the tour came in, the principal asked the greeter why she liked our school.  She thought for a moment and then said because this school is loving and kind.  HOW SWEET!  The greeter brought tears to my eyes.  Our principal is constantly reminding everyone to be kind and caring.  I guess that is his motto.  It was like they rehearsed what the greeter should say.  They didn't, the greeter thought it up herself.  It just melted my heart!!!  So sweet!


  1. That is a sweet story! How cute! (We aren't allowed to give candy out anymore. When I see all these cute graphing activities with candy, it's torture!)

    Love the hats, too!

    1. Lisa,
      That stinks you aren't allowed to give candy out. I bet it is torture. Thanks for checking out my blog and leaving a comment.


  2. Hi April
    I just found you and love your blog. Cute Dr. Seuss ideas! I'm your newest follwer. Come by and visit me - I'm a newbie at all this...we could suppport each other. :o)
    ~ Vicky
    Traditions Laughter and Happily Ever After

    1. Vicky,
      I am glad you found my blog! Thanks for becoming a follower! I can't believe I am at 30 followers. Yahoo!!!

