
Wednesday, January 11, 2012



This week my kiddos are learning about Martin Luther King Jr.  Here is what we have done, or will be working on this week. 

TLC Art Project
TLC Art Martin Luther King project.  
I love seeing how different all the students picture turn out.  After we make the TLC project I have my students complete a writing.  We talked about what a dream is and what Martin Luther King's dream was.  Then the students have to write about their dream.  I started them off by writing My dream... on the board.  After the students finished the writing, they glued their art project to the top of it.

 I read this book to the class.  It is a good book that talks about why we have MLK Day.

Martin's Big Words

I will be reading this book to my class tomorrow. 

MLK Book
 After I read one of the MLK book, I pass out these pages to the students.  I have them cut on the lines and put the book in order.  Then we read the book together and then the students color it. (I believe this book is from The Mailbox)

Freedom Freedom Poem and MLK Picture
 My students each have a Poem Notebook.  We start it at the beginning of the year we when start learning the color words and continue it throughout the year.  I pass out the picture of MLK and have the students color it. Then they cut around it and glue it down on the next double page spread.  Then we go over the poem.  I have them cut around the poem and glue it on the opposite page of their MLK picture.

Happy Birthday Martin Luther King.


  1. The Martin's Big Words video is a great companion to the text! I used both this week. Love your blog by the way :-)

    1. Thanks for the suggestion on the video. I was actually going to watch that video but I ran out of time. Thanks for posting. I hope you are doing well.
