Another week is over. The kiddos are at home with their parents and I am home with my family! It has been a wild week with it being a full moon. Here are some of the things we did last week...
Our reading buddies came on Friday to read with us. Every class at our school has partnered up with another class in a different grade level to be reading buddies. My class is partnered with 3rd grade buddies. All the students look forward to reading with their buddy. We try to meet with our buddies twice a month.
I added a new center to my ABC Center. Beginning Sound iPads. I printed out and laminated the letters that we have covered and the students then match the picture (app) to the iPad.
Practicing our letters and sounds. We are practicing writing the letter correctly on the lines.
My students are having trouble with their sight words. I decided to print off the sight words to have the students rainbow write them. Then we added them to our Poem Notebook.
And more sight words...
We made our robot hat for the letter R. The kiddos loved making these this week!
We also practiced our oral language/oral writing. I have taught them gestures to help them remember the beginning of a sentence begins with an uppercase and the end of a sentence ends with an end mark. When the kiddos do Teach, Okay! They practiced their sentences using college talk. College talk is talking in a complete sentence. Then I asked for students to share their sentence with the class. Here is a video of one of my girls.
(I like to go to music.)
I am loving the different WBT strategies. I just know by using these techniques that I will have the smartest class!